I was blown away by what I heard: I was able to pick up more detail in the music … There was no cheating as the audio wasn’t louder, just more detailed.

Richard Lai

With AUMEO, I had the odd and pleasurable sensation of listening to my favorite songs almost as if through young ears again.

Glenn Zorpette

Our hearing is as individual as our fingerprint. AUMEO … ensure what we hear is tailored to our own personal needs.

Thorsten Schröder

The gadget that makes Taylor Swift sound pitch perfect.

Victoria Woollaston

AUMEO takes that hearing profile and corrects the sound in all frequency ranges so that you can hear all the music without resorting to turning the volume to dangerous levels.

Shane McGlaun

AUMEO is a great little device that will get even better sound that is individually equalized for each ear out of an existing pair of headphones.

Jason Bouwmeester

Custom EQ for your ears.

Jason Bouwmeester
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