Our Vision
We believe that sound is a crucial human sense – it is core to how we enjoy music, how we communicate important ideas and how we live our daily lives. At AUMEO, our vision is to optimize hearing for everyone. One of the major barriers to great hearing is that everyone hears differently and our hearing varies by environment. To solve this, we have developed cutting-edge software to tailor audio to individual hearing and to customize audio for different environments. We are proud to present to you a latest revolution in sound – AUMEO.
Our Core Members

Andrew “Prof” is a renowned authority in hearing, hearing disorders and hearing restoration. He co-founded AUMEO with the aspiration to help the world hear better through software technology, and to protect future generations from damage-induced hearing loss

Paul is the “geek” co-founder behind AUMEO. After studying engineering at the University of Michigan, Paul was an early team member in serveral Sillicon Valley startups, including one acquired by IBM. His dream is to bring great products and engineering to the world in an affordable way.

Vincent was “wowed” by AUMEO at a trade show, and has since joined as Co-CEO. Vincent is passionate about music and tech, and is now the “business brains” behind AUMEO. He previously worked for McKinsey and got his MBA from Harvard Business School.
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